Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) is oriented on research and development in cutting edge scientific and technological fields. LMS is involved in a number of research projects funded by the EC and European industrial partners. Particular emphasis is given to the co-operation with the European industry as well as with a number of “hi-tech” firms. It currently employs approximately 70 researchers organized in three different groups:

  1.  Manufacturing Processes Modelling and Energy Efficiency
  2.  Robots, Automation and Virtual Reality in Manufacturing
  3.  Manufacturing Systems.

In the context of HybridR project, LMS will contribute, based on its experience in Additive Manufacturing technologies, to the integration of the LMD head on the robotic arm. Moreover, LMS will participate in the experimental validation and optimization of both additive and subtractive processes. Furthermore, LMS will develop a monitoring system for subtractive processes, which will feed an automatic control system. This control system will act based on process characterization algorithms that will be developed by LMS. Finally, a significant part of the role of LMS in the project is the development of automatic path planning algorithms, based on the data that will be generated by the vision-based metrology system.